A System of Care is a coordinated network of community-based services and supports that are organized to meet the challenges faced by youth with serious mental illness needs and their families. A System of Care is not limited to traditional mental health services, and the goal is to “wrap services around the family.”
F.A.C.E.S is our local System of Care organization. Currently, the council consists of
representatives from mental health services, healthcare, child welfare, juvenile
justice, education, Department of Child Services (DCS), social services, childcare providers,
parents, the private sector and other child-serving entities.
Successful Systems of Care provide positive outcomes for children/youth including significant improvements in school performance, and a decrease in suspensions, expulsions, suicide attempts, arrest rates, placement changes, and PTSD symptoms.
Our Mission: “Families and communities collaborating to establish partnerships which enhance our children’s social and emotional health thereby improving the entire community’s quality of life.”
Our Vision: Children with extraordinary needs will be able to remain in a home setting by increasing the family and child’s ability to meet needs independently.
For more information about F.A.C.E.S. click here or visit our website.
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